EP 345- WFM Maaike Keetman on The Best Open Tournaments in Europe, The Chess Steps Method & Chessable's Create Your Own Course Contest

This week our guest is WFM Maaike Keetman. Maaike is a 2016 Dutch Chess Olimpian and youth champion, who is also a Chessable author and member of its content creation team. Maaike joined me shortly after competing in a big open tournament in Europe, The Czech Open. Maaike reflected on her own performance and also highlighted what anyone considering playing in this tournament in future years could expect. Following that, we discuss the September 1 launch of Chessable’s ‘Create Your Own Course’ contest. This contest is a unique opportunity for community members to share their passion for chess, and to potentially win prizes and earn extra income. Lastly, we discuss a few topics important to Maaike’s chess experience, including The Chess Steps Method, and the most memorable moments of her chess career. 

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The Chessable Contest Launches September 1, here is all the info you need:


0:02- Maaike joined me shortly after returning from The Czech Open in Pardubice. For prospective tournament players, she discusses what she liked and disliked about the tournament, and she assessed her own performance. Maaike had to withdraw from the tournament due to sickness, so she was unable to finish the tournament. 

Mentioned: CM Vjekoslav Nemec, More Czech Open Info here:

https://www.czechopen.net/en/, Sunway Sitges, Reykjavik Open 

11:00- Maaike plays in the Dutch Chess League and the English 4NCL League as well. She discusses the formats of these leagues. 

15:00- What are Maaiike’s current objectives with her chess game? 

19:00- Maaiike discusses her work at Chessable and the annual “Create Your Own Chess Course” contest. Upon context launch on September 1, there will be more info at this link:


Mentioned: The Checkmate Patterns Manual, Visualize by Benedictine, CM Can Kabadayi’s Chessable Courses, GM Maurice Ashley’s Secrets of Chess Geometry, Maaike’s How to Create a Chessable Course Video 

31:00- Patreon mailbag question: “What are the best practices of the most accomplished Chessable users?’ 

Mentioned: NM Han Schut, NM Todd Bryant, Perpetual Chess Improvement, Available November 1!, Alex Crompton’s Blog Post, EP 256 with Alex Crompton 

35:00- Patreon mailbag question: “What changes have taken place at Chessable since it was acquired by Chess.com?’ 

40:00- What was it like growing up vis-a-vis The Chess Steps system in The Netherlands? 

Mentioned: EP 335 with Matthew Ball and WIM Natasha Regan 

43:00- Maaiike shares her memories of playing on the Dutch National Team at the Olympiad. 

47:00- If Maaike were to emphasize improving her chess game, what would she prioritize? 

50:00 Maaike’s fondest and least fond chess memories! 

51:00- Thanks to Maaike for joining the pod! 

If you have questions about the Chessable contest, email hello at chessable dot com

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